
Module Contents



Defines the interface to load the object from dict and how to export it to dict.


Base class for an embedded doc (that doesn't get its own _id)


Stores information of when the db doc was created, modified, and the data model


Base class for all entities that are stored in the db with an _id, i.e. that


Base class for a pointer to more information.


Base class for all entities that contain dicom_tags.


Pointer to another Entity instance in the database.


Pointer to a file in the filesystem.


Represents a unique person that has gone through at least one study.


Aggregation of multiple dicom instances by the combination of patient and date.


Base class for all entities that contain dicom_tags.


Represents one DICOM image i.e. a DICOM instance with PixelData.


Abstract class for any annotation that is stored in cobra_db. Should be subclassed


Base class for all entities that are stored in the db with an _id, i.e. that

class cobra_db.model.BaseObj[source]

Defines the interface to load the object from dict and how to export it to dict.

static expand(value)[source]

expand the nested objects and remove all keys with None value

abstract classmethod from_dict(d: dict)[source]
class cobra_db.model.Embedded[source]

Bases: BaseObj

Base class for an embedded doc (that doesn’t get its own _id)

classmethod from_dict(d: dict)[source]
class cobra_db.model.Metadata[source]

Bases: Embedded

Stores information of when the db doc was created, modified, and the data model version. Should be used in any doc with _id that is stored in the database.

model_version: str
created: datetime.datetime
modified: datetime.datetime
project_name: str
classmethod create()[source]
class cobra_db.model.Entity[source]

Bases: BaseObj

Base class for all entities that are stored in the db with an _id, i.e. that require a Dao. Usually parent of a @dataclass class

_id: bson.ObjectId
_metadata: Metadata

Return repr(self).


Automatically add db_metadata if missing

classmethod from_dict(obj_dict: dict)[source]
class cobra_db.model.Source[source]

Base class for a pointer to more information.

class cobra_db.model.DicomEntity[source]

Bases: Entity

Base class for all entities that contain dicom_tags.

dicom_tags: dict
static optional(ds: pydicom.dataset.Dataset, tag_name: str, parser: Callable = None, default=None)[source]

Get tag value from dataset, if missing return default value.

static choose_first(ds, *tag_names, parser, default)[source]

Choose first tag that does not return None,

abstract classmethod from_dataset(ds: pydicom.dataset.Dataset)[source]

Abstract method. How to create an instance from a pydicom Dataset

get_tag(keyword: str, default=None)[source]
class cobra_db.model.EntitySource[source]

Bases: Embedded, Source

Pointer to another Entity instance in the database. Should only be used when there’s ambiguity about the referenced class/collection.

name: str
description: str
_entity_type: Union[Type[Entity], str]
_id: bson.ObjectId

expand the nested objects and remove all keys with None value

class cobra_db.model.FileSource[source]

Bases: Embedded, Source

Pointer to a file in the filesystem. rel_path is relative to the place where drive_name is mounted. This is because drive_name can be mounted in different paths according to the machine and we don’t have another way of referencing a drive. filename is automatically stored for easy indexing and querying without having to manipulate the rel_path to extract the filename.

drive_name: str
rel_path: str
filename: str
get_local_filepath(mount_paths: dict) str[source]

Returns the filepath according to mount_paths

classmethod from_mount_paths(filepath: str, mount_paths: dict)[source]

create an instance from the filepath and the mount_paths.

  • filepath – _description_

  • mount_paths – _description_

class cobra_db.model.Patient[source]

Bases: Entity

Represents a unique person that has gone through at least one study.

anon_id: str
hidden: bool
birth_date: datetime.datetime

Return repr(self).

classmethod from_dataset(ds: pydicom.dataset.Dataset)[source]

Create an instance of the entity from a DICOM dataset

__eq__(other: Patient) bool[source]

Return self==value.

class cobra_db.model.RadiologicalStudy[source]

Bases: DicomEntity

Aggregation of multiple dicom instances by the combination of patient and date.

study_uid: List[str]
date: datetime.datetime
series_count: int
patient_id: bson.ObjectId
sop_class: List[str]
modality: List[cobra_db.enums.Modality]
description: str
accession_number: List[str]
patient_age: int
patient_weight: float
patient_height: float
patient_pregnancy_status: cobra_db.enums.PregnancyStatus
manufacturer: List[str]
manufacturer_model_name: List[str]
detector_id: List[str]
detector_type: List[str]
device_serial_number: List[str]
software_versions: List[str]
date_of_last_detector_calibration: List[str]
breast_implant_present: List[str]

Return repr(self).

classmethod from_dataset(ds: pydicom.dataset.Dataset)[source]

Create an instance of the entity from a DICOM dataset

classmethod from_dict(d: dict)[source]

Convert a mongodb dict into a RadiologicalStudy object

__eq__(other: RadiologicalStudy) bool[source]

Return self==value.

class cobra_db.model.RadiologicalSeries[source]

Bases: DicomEntity

Base class for all entities that contain dicom_tags.

study_id: bson.ObjectId
date: datetime.datetime
series_uid: str
description: str
image_count: int
image_shape: Tuple[int, int]
protocol_name: str

Return repr(self).

classmethod from_dataset(ds: pydicom.dataset.Dataset)[source]

Create an instance of the entity from a DICOM dataset

classmethod from_images_metadata(images_metadata: List[ImageMetadata])[source]
__eq__(other: RadiologicalSeries) bool[source]

Return self==value.

class cobra_db.model.ImageMetadata[source]

Bases: DicomEntity

Represents one DICOM image i.e. a DICOM instance with PixelData. Only the dicom headers are stored. While the pixel data is not stored.

dicom_tags: dict
file_source: FileSource
study_id: bson.ObjectId
series_id: bson.ObjectId
aka_file_sources: List[FileSource]
classmethod from_dataset(ds: pydicom.dataset.Dataset, mount_paths: dict)[source]

Create one instance from a pydicom Dataset.

  • ds – pydicom Dataset

  • mount_paths – dict that maps the drive_names to the mount path of the drives that are in use.

to_dataset() pydicom.dataset.Dataset[source]

Creates a pydicom Dataset with only the metadata in dicom_tags. Useful to use pydicom interface when required.

get_checksum(mount_paths: dict) str[source]

Obtain the md5 hexdigest hash of the original file. This helps finding duplicated images. Warning: md5 is not cryptographycally secure.


mount_paths – a dictionary mapping the drive_name to the mount path in the local computer.


string hexdigest with the hash of the file.

get_local_filepath(mount_paths: dict) str[source]

Returns the filepath of the file_source according to mount_paths.


mount_paths – a dictionary mapping the drive_name to the mount path in the local computer.


string hexdigest with the hash of the file.

get_pixel_data(mount_paths) numpy.ndarray[source]

Load the file and extract the pixel_array from the pydicom dataset.


mount_paths – a dictionary mapping the drive_name to the mount path in the local computer.


the content of pydicom.Dataset.pixel_array

get_file_size(mount_paths) int[source]

Get the size in bytes of the file


Return repr(self).

class cobra_db.model.Annotation[source]

Bases: Entity

Abstract class for any annotation that is stored in cobra_db. Should be subclassed

annotation_type: List[Literal[text, semantic_segmentation, binary, categorical]]
annotator_email: str
date: datetime.datetime
possible_labels: List[str]
file_format: str
aggregation_level: Literal[patient, study, series, image]
referenced_entity_uid: str
patient_anon_id: str
study_date: datetime.datetime
file_source: FileSource
project_name: str
class cobra_db.model.Annotator[source]

Bases: Entity

Base class for all entities that are stored in the db with an _id, i.e. that require a Dao. Usually parent of a @dataclass class

email: str
specialization: str
first_name: str
last_name: str