
Module Contents



Connect and auth to a mongo database.


Base class for all entity DAOs.


Get or insert patient from / to the database


Get or insert RadiologicalStudy from / to the database


Get or insert RadiologicalSeries from / to the database


Get or insert an instance of ImageMetadata from / to the database


get_obj_id(→ bson.ObjectId)

Get ObjectId regardless of the initial type

cobra_db.mongo_dao.get_obj_id(_id: cobra_db.types.Id) bson.ObjectId[source]

Get ObjectId regardless of the initial type

class cobra_db.mongo_dao.Connector(host: str, port: int, db_name: str, username: str = None, password: str = None)[source]

Connect and auth to a mongo database.


Connect to the mongo database

static _get_uri(host: str, port: str, username=None, password=None, db_name='')[source]

Close the connection to the database

classmethod get_pass(host: str, port: int, db_name: str, username: str)[source]

Create a Connector instance by prompting the user for a password. Most useful in jupyter notebooks.

classmethod get_env_pass(host: str, port: int, db_name: str, username: str, env_var: str = 'MONGOPASS')[source]

Create a Connector instance by getting the password from the environment variable defined in env_var. Useful when creating scripts.


Return str(self).

class cobra_db.mongo_dao.EntityDao(connector: Connector, entity_type: Type[cobra_db.model.Entity])[source]

Base class for all entity DAOs. Children need to implement a concrete to_dict() method to be able to use get_by_id(x, obj=True)

_get_collection(entity_type: Type[cobra_db.model.Entity]) pymongo.collection.Collection[source]

Get a collection from the database according to the entity type

get_by_id(_id: cobra_db.types.Id, obj=True) Union[cobra_db.model.Entity, dict][source]

Find a document by _id.

find(filter: dict = {}, **kwargs) email.generator.Generator[source]

Generate instances for the documents that match the filter. This is not a very fast approach, but it is easy to use.

filter: dict, valid mongodb query to find the desired entities. kwargs to pass to pymongo.Collection.find(filter, **kwargs)

delete_by_id(_id: cobra_db.types.Id)[source]

Delete a document from the database by its id.


_id – ObjectId or str version of ObjectId of the document that will be


insert_one(entity_instance: cobra_db.model.Entity) bson.ObjectId[source]

Insert an instance into the database.

class cobra_db.mongo_dao.PatientDao(connector)[source]

Bases: EntityDao

Get or insert patient from / to the database (Manages access to the Patient collection in MongoDB)


Check if the index for anon_id exists

anon_id_to_mongo_id(anon_id: str) bson.ObjectId[source]

Get the _id of a patient from its anon_id

get_patient_by_id(_id: cobra_db.types.Id = None, obj=True) Union[cobra_db.model.Patient, dict][source]

Get a patient from its _id

get_patient_by_anon_id(anon_id: str, obj=True) Union[cobra_db.model.Patient, dict][source]

Get a patient from its anon_id

get_patient(patient: cobra_db.model.Patient, obj=True) Union[cobra_db.model.Patient, dict][source]

Get a patient if it exists in the database. Expect an IndexError if it does not exist.

exists(patient: cobra_db.model.Patient) Tuple[bool, Union[bson.ObjectId, None]][source]
insert_one(patient: cobra_db.model.Patient, skip_duplicates=True)[source]

Insert a patient into the database. raises DuplicateKeyError if the patient already exists and check_unique is False

get_by_id(_id: cobra_db.types.Id, obj=True) Union[cobra_db.model.Patient, dict][source]

redifining only for type hinting

class cobra_db.mongo_dao.StudyDao(connector)[source]

Bases: EntityDao

Get or insert RadiologicalStudy from / to the database (Manages access to the RadiologicalStudy collection in MongoDB)


Check if the index for study_uid exists

insert_one(study: cobra_db.model.RadiologicalStudy, skip_duplicates=True)[source]

Insert a study into the database. raises DuplicateKeyError if the study already exists and skip_duplicates is False

update_patient_id(study_id: cobra_db.types.Id, patient_id: cobra_db.types.Id)[source]

Once the patient doc is created the series_id of the metadata should be updated

get_all_ids(patient: Union[cobra_db.model.Patient, cobra_db.types.Id], *modality: str, other_filters: dict = {}) List[bson.ObjectId][source]

Given a patient or patient_id, retrieve all studies that match any of the specified modality. other_filters allows you to narrow down the query.

get_by_id(_id: cobra_db.types.Id, obj=True) Union[cobra_db.model.RadiologicalStudy, dict][source]

Get a RadiologicalStudy by _id

class cobra_db.mongo_dao.SeriesDao(connector)[source]

Bases: EntityDao

Get or insert RadiologicalSeries from / to the database (Manages access to the RadiologicalSeries collection in MongoDB)


Check if the index for anon_series_id exists

insert_one(series: cobra_db.model.RadiologicalSeries, study: cobra_db.model.RadiologicalStudy = None, skip_duplicates=True)[source]

Insert a series into the database first retrieving the study id. raises DuplicateKeyError if the series already exists and skip_duplicates is False

update_study_id(series_id: cobra_db.types.Id, study_id: cobra_db.types.Id)[source]

Once the series doc is created the series_id of the metadata should be updated

get_all_ids(study: Union[cobra_db.model.RadiologicalStudy, cobra_db.types.Id], other_filters: dict = {})[source]

Given a study or study_id, retrieve all series that belong to this study. other_filter can be used to narrow down the query.

get_by_id(_id: cobra_db.types.Id, obj=True) Union[cobra_db.model.RadiologicalSeries, dict][source]

Get RadiologicalSeries by _id

class cobra_db.mongo_dao.ImageMetadataDao(connector)[source]

Bases: EntityDao

Get or insert an instance of ImageMetadata from / to the database (Manages access to the ImageMetadata collection in MongoDB)


Check if the index for anon_image_id exists

insert_one(im_metadata: cobra_db.model.ImageMetadata)[source]

Insert an instance into the database.

update_series_id(im_meta_id: cobra_db.types.Id, series_id: cobra_db.types.Id)[source]

Once the series doc is created the series_id of the metadata should be updated

update_study_id(im_meta_id: cobra_db.types.Id, study_id: cobra_db.types.Id)[source]

Once the series doc is created the series_id of the metadata should be updated

get_all_ids(series: Union[cobra_db.model.RadiologicalSeries, cobra_db.types.Id], other_filters: dict = {})[source]

Given a series or series_id, retrieve all images that belong to this series. other_filter can be used to narrow down the query.

get_by_id(_id: cobra_db.types.Id, obj=True) Union[cobra_db.model.ImageMetadata, dict][source]

Get an ImageMetadata by _id

add_aka(im_meta_id: cobra_db.types.Id, file_source: cobra_db.model.FileSource)[source]

Adds an AKA file source. This is useful when a pseudonymized version of the file is saved somewhere else. :param im_meta_id: The id of the document that will be updated :param file_source: The AKA filesource